
News Release

REF NO.: 38

SUBJECT: PSA: Memorial University students and staff participating in Community Service Learning Day

DATE: October 18, 2013

More than 70 Memorial students and staff will give back to the community on Saturday, Oct. 19, by participating in a Community Service Learning Day.
Winterizing flower beds, laying concrete stone, assisting in a therapeutic riding program, removing garbage and debris from our shoreline – no job is too big or too small.
The volunteers can be found at either the Elaine Dobbin Autism Centre and Rainbow Riders on Mount Scio road between 10 a.m.-3 p.m. or cleaning St. Phillip’s Beach between 12:45-2:30 p.m.
Community Service Learning Day, a co-curricular service-learning program at Memorial University, offers students an opportunity to spend a day giving back to various organizations in the community.

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