
News Release

REF NO.: 0

SUBJECT: Grenfell: Grenfell College endeavours to help students find off-campus housing

DATE: August 21, 2008

        With rental vacancy rates at an all-time low in Corner Brook, students are encouraged to contact the Off-campus Housing Office at Grenfell College for assistance. 
        “Students from outside the Corner Brook area who wish to live off-campus are facing incredibly low vacancy rates,” says Anna Russell-Mercier, off-campus housing co-ordinator at Grenfell College.
 The Off-campus Housing Office lists off-campus accommodations on its website; Ms. Russell-Mercier encourages landlords in the area to list their rental properties on the site. 
           “The free housing list on our website allows local landlords to advertise their property and for students, faculty and staff to find accommodations,” said Ms. Russell-Mercier.  
            According to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Spring 2008 Rental Market Report, Corner Brook has the lowest vacancy rate in the province, at 0.6 per cent. 
            “We’re concerned that students may be leaving the job of finding accommodations too late,” says Ms. Russell-Mercier, adding that it’s equally important for landlords and potential landlords to realize that their support is important. “There may be people out there with rooms or apartments to rent who haven’t considered that option in the past. We want to emphasize that their cooperation is essential if students are to find appropriate living arrangements this fall.” 
            With just a couple of weeks left before classes start, landlords, students and/or parents and guardians should not hesitate to call. Ms. Russell-Mercier can be reached at 637-6200 extension 1286. Visit the off-campus housing website at www.swgc.ca/swgc-res/offcampus

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