
News Release

REF NO.: 77

SUBJECT: Engineering hosts Global Climate and Energy Project director

DATE: February 27, 2007

The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science will host a lecture by the director of the Global Climate and Energy Project at Stanford University, Dr. Franklin M. Orr Jr. The lecture will take place Friday, March 2, at 3 p.m. in
EN-4002. Dr. Orr will discuss Technology in the Greenhouse: Energy Research to Reduce Future Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Human activities are responsible for emissions of about 25 billion tonnes of CO2 per year, and unless changes are made in the use of fossil fuels, it is believed those emissions will grow significantly during this century. Dr. Orr has found that to make progress toward stabilizing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, developed nations will need to make substantial reductions in emissions of CO2, methane, and other greenhouse gases, even as we accommodate the needs of a growing population and fast-growing economies in the developing world. While there are many ways forward, there is also a need for a significant international research program across a broad portfolio of energy resources, transformations and uses. The Global Climate and Energy Project at Stanford is one such effort. 
During his lecture, Dr. Orr will touch on what can be done now to make progress towards reducing emissions and opportunities for more efficient uses of energy in both the developing and developed economies. He will give examples of fundamental research to provide the basis for energy options with low emissions of greenhouse gases, and discuss the options for geological storage of CO2.

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