
News Release

REF NO.: 272

SUBJECT: Public forum on saving rural Newfoundland and Labrador

DATE: April 28, 2006

Rural areas throughout the developed world are experiencing a crisis, and Newfoundland and Labrador is no different: loss of services, youth outmigration, economic collapse, environmental challenges, struggles governance and a culture of poverty. The crisis of rural communities is not simply an economic or structural crisis, but also a social and cultural one. Can rural Newfoundland and Labrador be saved?
A public forum, hosted by Leslie Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development and Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, titled, Rural: Is it Worth Saving? will be held on Wednesday, May 3, 2006, 7:30 p.m. in  room AS328, Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Corner Brook.
The forum will feature a lecture by Dr. Ivan Emke, associate professor and program chair of Social/Cultural Studies, Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, who will outline some ways in which we can think more broadly and holistically about the nature of rural areas in a modern, globalizing era.
Dr. Emke will be accompanied by an expert panel composed of:  Bern Bromley, member of the Fish Processing Licensing Board, St. Anthony; Sheila King, economic development officer with the Burnt Islands Economic Development Corporation; and Johnny MacPherson, executive director of the Long Range Regional Economic Development Board (Zone 9).
The public is invited to attend and participate in a dialogue and a question and answer period. Free admission and parking. Reception to follow.
Media agencies are encouraged to send representatives.

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