Certificate in Ancient Languages

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The certificate in ancient languages is designed to give students the basics of several ancient languages in order to develop an appreciation for the intrinsic connection between language and culture and the origin of modern languages.

Ancient languages are defined as those which are no longer spoken as the first language of any living person although they may have direct descendants in current use (for example, modern and Bibliical Hebrew). Ancient languages are considered culturally significant as languages of religion, scholarship and literature.

This is a program unique in Atlantic Canada. It will be of particular interest to students in areas of medicine, pharmacy and law who are interested in the etymological roots of subject-specific terminology. The diploma will also act as specialized high quality preparation for individuals looking to pursue graduate studies and professional degree programs.

Regulations for the Certificate in Ancient Languages

To be eligible for the certificate in ancient languages a student must complete the following:

  • Three credit hours in linguistics chosen from a list of approved courses (see Table 1, column 1)
  • Eighteen credit hours chosen from specified courses in Ancient Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Latin, Sanskrit, Old English and Middle High German (see Table 1, column 2), of which:
    • A minimum of six credit hours in one ancient language;
    • A minimum of six credit hour in another ancient language;
    • A minimum of three credit hours in a third ancient language; and
    • A further three credit hours in any Table 1 ancient language.

Please note that not all courses are offered every semester. Therefore students are strongly advised to consult with the program coordinator for assistance with course planning.

Table 1: Approved Courses for the Certificate in Ancient Languages
Foundational Required Courses Approved Ancient Language Courses
3 credits chosen from:
  • LING 1105 The Wonder of Words
  • LING 1100 Introduction to Linguistics
  • Language 2800 (or the former 1800) or Linguistics 2800 (or the former 1155)
12 credits chosen from:
  • CLAS 1120 Elementary Latin I
  • CLAS 1121 Elementary Latin II
  • CLAS 2200 Intermediate Latin
  • CLAS 1130 Elementary Ancient Greek I
  • CLAS 1131 Elementary Ancient Greek II
  • CLAS 2300 Intermediate Ancient Greek
  • CLAS 2302 Readings in New Testament Greek
  • ENGL 3500 Introduction to Old English Language and Literature
  • RELS 1050 Intro to Biblical Hebrew I
  • RELS 1051 Intro to Biblical Hebrew II
  • RELS 1606 Sanskrit Language Study I
  • RELS 2606 Sanskrit Language Study II

Declaring an Arts Certificate: Information about declaring a program of study in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is available on the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences  website.

For detailed course descriptions on courses offered, please refer to the online University Calendar.

Program Coordinator

For more information students are invited to contact the Program Coordinator. Please see http://www.mun.ca/hss/about/contact/coordinators.php for current contact information.

Upcoming Courses in the Certificate

To look for course offerings in upcoming semesters please visit http://www.mun.ca/hss/courses.php