Entrepreneurial Inspiration Program - Summer 2024

The Entrepreneurial Inspiration Program - Summer 2024 (June 6- August 1, 2024) is a non-certificate ETP program which includes 8-9 weekly special topic sessions (hybrid mode). This program inspires participants to learn about entrepreneurship, even if they have no business experience and have never done or thought they would become entrepreneurs. The main content of this program will be "Share from and talk with entrepreneurs." The majority of speakers will be MUN alumni who are currently successful entrepreneurs.

ETP participants can learn about guest speakers' entrepreneurial journeys, business ideas, targeted customers, startups, and how they dealt with challenges. It also transfers invaluable experiences from the entrepreneurs to the ETP Discover and Develop Program graduates to take their next steps. Besides, this program aims to provide the basic knowledge needed in entrepreneurship, such as start-up versus small business, and entrepreneurial mindset development.  Moreover, ETP participants can network and gather to talk about their business ideas.