Financial Aid and Research Funding

Memorial University offers competitive funding packages to academically eligible full-time graduate students, both Canadian and international.

Primary financial aid from the university consists of fellowships, which vary in size from year to year. All applicants to the program are automatically considered for these awards. Students will also be considered for research and teaching assistantships. If possible, students should submit an fellowship application to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) in the October before they apply to the program. If this application is unsuccessful, they may apply again during their program.

Candidates may be able to apply for research funds to cover their research expenses from such sources as: the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; the Wenner-Gren Foundation; the Fulbright Institute; Memorial University's Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER); the Smallwood Foundation for Newfoundland Studies; The Northern Science Training Grants; and/or the Newfoundland Museum. Additional support may be available from faculty research grants.

Graduate students should establish, in consultation with their supervisor(s), whether their research falls within the mandates of these various funding agencies. When preparing a research grant application, candidates should work in close collaboration with their supervisor(s) and keep them informed at each stage of the process. In some cases, funding agencies may require that the student’s research proposal has already been passed by the department and the Interdisciplinary Committee for Ethics in Human Research.