Sharon Roseman


BA, Toronto, 1986
MA, McMaster University, 1988
PhD, McMaster University, 1993




Phone: (709) 864-2452
Office: Queen's College, QC4007

Research Interests:

Historical Anthropology, Memory, Anthropology of Labour, Critical Mobility and Migration Studies, Feminist Anthropology, Food Studies, Translation Studies, Minoritized Languages.


  • President’s Award for Outstanding Research
  • Dean of Arts Award for Graduate Supervision

Selected Publications



  • O Santiaguiño de Carreira. O rexurdimento dunha base rural no concello de Zas. A Coruña: Baía Edicións, 2008.

Edited Books

  • The Tourism Imaginary and Pilgrimages to the Edges of the World. Nieves Herrero and Sharon R. Roseman, eds. Bristol: Channel View Publications, 2015.

  • Antropoloxía das mulleres galegas. As outras olladas. Enrique Alonso Población and Sharon R. Roseman, eds. Santiago de Compostela: Sotelo Blanco Edicións, 2012.

  • Recasting Culture and Space in Iberian Contexts. Sharon Roseman and Shawn S. Parkhurst, eds. State University of New York Press. Series: National Identities, 2008.

  • Intersecting Journeys: The Anthropology of Pilgrimage and Tourism. Ellen Badone and Sharon Roseman, eds. The University of Illinois Press, 2004.

Guest Editorships: Journal Special Theme Issues:

  • The Cultural Politics of Tourism and Heritage in Galicia: Anthropological Perspectives. Sharon R. Roseman, Nieves Herrero, and Wayne Fife, eds. International Journal of Iberian Studies 21(2), 2008.

  • The Historical Anthropology of Europe: Translated Works. Sharon R. Roseman, ed. Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe, 2002.

  • Ethnographic Explorations of Gender and Power in Rural Northwestern Iberia, Sharon R. Roseman and Heidi Kelley, eds. Anthropologica, 1999.

Edited Conference Proceedings:

  • Antropología y nuevas ruralidades. Mesa de Trabajo, Actas del XII Congreso de Antropología de la FAAEE. Santiago Prado, Xerardo Pereiro, and Sharon R. Roseman, eds. León: Federación de Asociaciones de Antropología del Estado Español, 2011.

  • Identities, Power, and Place on the Atlantic Borders of Two Continents: Proceedings from the International Research Linkages Workshop on Newfoundland and Labrador Studies and Galician Studies. Sharon R. Roseman, ed. St. John's: Faculty of Arts, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2002.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters:

  • A antropoloxía das non tan novas ruralidades. Ágora: Papeles de Filosofía 42(1). 2023.

  • Lightkeeping and Family-Making. In Families, Mobility and Work, Barbara Neis, Christina Murray, and Nora Spinks, eds. St. John’s: Memorial University Press, pp. 285-303, 2022

  • “From Found Cloth to Found Prayers,” in the article “Escuchar a los objetos” (Co-authors Regina F. Bendix, Dorothy Noyes, Sharon R. Roseman, and Francisco Cruces). Disparidades. Revista de Antropología 76 (1), e005. 2021.

  • Co-passengering and the Gendering of a Mobile Ferry Space. (Co-authors Diane Royal and Sharon Roseman). Journal of Transport Geography 92: Article 103000. 2021

  • Precarious Mobility and Spectacle Dwelling on a Ferry Commute. Applied Mobilities 5(1): 86-102. 2020.

  • Fighting for Ferry Justice. Mobilities, Mobility Justice and Social Justice, David Butz and Nancy Cook, eds. New York & London: Routledge, pp. 142-155, 2019.

  • Commuting to Garden: Subsisting on Bell Island. (Coauthors Sharon R. Roseman and Diane Royal). Food Futures: Growing a Sustainable Food System for Newfoundland and Labrador. Catherine Keske, ed. St. John’s: ISER Books. 2018.
  • Re-working Mobilities: Emergent Geographies of Employment-related Mobilities. (Coauthors Sara Dorow, Sharon R. Roseman, and Tim Cresswell). Geography Compass 11(12). 2017

  • The Production of Galician Space: Ethnographic Interventions. In Rerouting Galician Studies. Benita Sampedro Vizcaya and José A. Losada Montero, eds. London, New York, and Shangai: Palgrave-Macmillan. 93-107. 2017.

  • Putting Mobility Theory to Work: Conceptualizing Employment-Related Geographical Mobility. (Coauthors Tim Cresswell, Sara Dorow, and Sharon R. Roseman). Environment and Planning A 48(9): 1787-1803. 2016.

  • Children’s Literature and Memory Activism: British Child Labor Migrants’ Passage to Canada. In Migration by Boat: Discourses of Trauma, Exclusion and Survival. Lynda Mannik, ed. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2016.

  • Turigriños Go Home. Via@Tourism Review 2(8), 2015.

  • Towards a Feminist Political Economy Framework for Analyzing Employment-Related Geographical Mobility. (Coauthors Sharon R. Roseman, Pauline Gardiner Barber, and Barbara Neis). Studies in Political Economy 95: 173-201, 2015. 

  • Introduction. (Coauthors Sharon R. Roseman and Nieves Herrero). In The Tourism Imaginary and Pilgrimages to the Edges of the World. Nieves Herrero and Sharon R. Roseman, eds. Bristol: Channel View Publications, 2015. Pp. 1-19.

  • Where North America Ends. (Coauthors Wayne Fife and Sharon R. Roseman). In The Tourism Imaginary and Pilgrimages to the Edges of the World. Nieves Herrero and Sharon R. Roseman, eds. Bristol: Channel View Publications, 2015. Pp. 141-178.

  • As voces interfírense: A Chronotopic Reading of Two Novels. Galicia 21: Journal of Contemporary Galician Studies. 1(1). 2014.

  • Un patrimonio para o futuro. Adra 9:9-24, 2014.

  • A solidariedade frente ás cifras. In Galicia:Un pobo con futuro? Manuel Blanco Desar, ed. Vigo: Editorial Xerais de Galicia, 2014. Pp. 241-244.

  • Anthropological Idiolects and Minoritizing Translation in Galician Ethnography. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 24(1): 19-41, 2014.

  • Unemployment and Labor Migration in Rural Galicia (Spain). Dialectical Anthropology 37(3): 401-421, 2013.

  • Antropología y Nuevas Ruralidades. (Coauthors Sharon Roseman, Santiago Prado Conde, and Xerardo Pereiro Pérez). Gazeta de Antropología 29(2), artículo 01, 2013.

  • ‘Hai que entenderse’ (We Have To Understand One Another): Fieldwork, Migration and Storytelling Events. In Where is the Field? The Experience of Migration Viewed through the Prism of Ethnographic Fieldwork. Laura Hirvi and Hanna Snellman, eds. Helsinki: Studia Fennica Ethnologica, 2012. Pp. 193-216.

  • Introdución. As outras olladas. (Coauthors Enrique Alonso Población and Sharon R. Roseman). In Antropoloxía das mulleres galegas. As outras olladas. Santiago de Compostela: Sotelo Blanco Edicións, 2012. Pp. 1-22.

  • Reflexións sobre a antropoloxía de xénero. In Antropoloxía das mulleres galegas. As outras olladas. Co-editors Enrique Alonso Población and Sharon R. Roseman. Santiago de Compostela: Sotelo Blanco Edicións, 2012. Pp. 223-230.

  • Employment-Related Mobility and the Health of Workers, Families, and Communities: The Canadian Context. (Coauthors Julia Temple, Barbara Neis, Lois Jackson, Sharon R. Roseman, Paula Romanow, and Chrissy Vincent). Labour/Le Travail 67: 121-156, 2011.

  • Culture and Space in Iberian Anthropology. (Coauthors Sharon R. Roseman and Shawn S. Parkhurst). In Recasting Culture and Space in Iberian Contexts. Sharon R. Roseman and Shawn S. Parkhurst, eds. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2008. Pp. 1-32.

  • The Cultural Politics of Tourism and Heritage in Galicia: Anthropological Perspectives. (Coauthors Sharon R. Roseman, Nieves Herrero, and Wayne Fife). International Journal of Iberian Studies 21(2): 73-86, 2008.

  • Souvenirs and Cultural Politics in Santiago de Compostela (Co-authors Sharon R. Roseman and Wayne Fife). International Journal of Iberian Studies 21(2): 109-130, 2008.

  • Cursillos and Concursos in Rural Galicia: The Sección Femenina and the Modernizing Project of the Franco Dictatorship. In Recasting Culture and Space in Iberian Contexts. Sharon R. Roseman and Shawn S. Parkhurst, eds. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2008. Pp. 129-149.

  • ‘O patrimonio cultural como un enfoque crítico na loita pola identidade e a convivencia’, Ágora: Papeles de Filosofía Vol. 26, No. 1: 7-26, 2007.

  • Reivindicando el paisaje gallego: asociaciones rurales y políticas de desarrollo. In Galicia & Terranova & Labrador. Comparative Studies on Economic, Political and Socio-cultural Processes. Estudos comparativos das dinámicas económicas, políticas e socio-culturais. Xaquín S. Rodríguez Campos and Xosé M. Santos Solla, coords. Santiago de Compostela, Spain: Santiago de Compostela University Press, 2006. Pp. 93-106.

  • Approaches to the Anthropology of Pilgrimage and Tourism (Co-authors Ellen Badone and Sharon R. Roseman). In Intersecting Journeys: The Anthropology of Pilgrimage and Tourism. Ellen Badone and Sharon R. Roseman, eds. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2004. Pp. 1-43.

  • Santiago de Compostela in the Year 2000: From Religious Centre to European City of Culture. In Intersecting Journeys: The Anthropology of Pilgrimage and Tourism. Ellen Badone and Sharon R. Roseman, eds. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2004. Pp. 171-208.

  • Bioregulation and Comida Caseira in Rural Galicia, Spain. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 11 (1): 9-37, 2004.

  • Spaces of Production, Memories of Contention: An Account of Local Struggle in Late 20th Century Rural Galicia (Spain). Dialectical Anthropology 27: 19-45, 2003.

  • Poniendo la artesanía gallega y el turismo rural gallego en el mapa global: Políticas administrativas y propuestas locales. In Las expresiones locales de la globalización: México y España. Carmen Bueno and Encarnación Aguilar, coordinadoras. México: Centro de Investigación y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social y Editorial Porrúa, 2003. Pp. 381 404.

  • 'Strong Women' and 'Pretty Girls': Self-Provisioning, Gender, and Class Identity in Rural Galicia (Spain). American Anthropologist 104(1): 22-37, 2002.

  • "And then, Afterward, There would be Broth without Fat": The Life Accounts of a Galician Married Couple. In Identities, Power, and Place on the Atlantic Borders of Two Continents: Proceedings from the International Research Linkages Workshop on Newfoundland and Labrador Studies and Galician Studies. St. John's: Faculty of Arts, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2002. Pp. 213-223.

  • "Going Over to the Other Side": The Sociality of Remembrance in Galician Death Narratives. Ethos 30(4): 433-464, 2002.

  • Vendiendo la labor, vendiendo los conocimientos: un estudio antropológico de las modistas de taller y de las costureras ambulantes gallegas . Semata: Ciencias Sociais e Humanidades 12: 361-383, 2000. Comerciantes y Artesanos [Sellers and Artisans]. Theme issue. Carmen Fernández Casanova, ed., 2000

  • Introduction (Roseman, S., and H. Kelley). In the special theme issue "Ethnographic Explorations of Gender and Power in Rural Northwestern Iberia," Anthropologica XLI: 87-99, 1999.

  • ¿Quen manda ? (Who's in Charge?): The Politics of Household Authority in Rural Galicia. In the special theme issue "Ethnographic Explorations of Gender and Power in Rural Northwestern Iberia," Anthropologica XLI: 115-130, 1999.

  • Fixo Ben (She Did the Right Thing): Women and Social Disruption in Rural Galicia. In Feminist Fields: Ethnographic Insights, Rae Bridgman, Sally Cole and Heather Howard-Bobiwash, editors. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 1999. Pp. 212-228.

  • Celebrating Silenced Words: The "Reimagining" of a Feminist Nation in Late-Twentieth-Century Galicia. Feminist Studies 23(1): 43-71, 1997.

  • 'Lenguas de Solidaridad' en el medio rural: El mantenimiento del gallego vernáculo. In As linguas e as identidades: Ensaios de etnografía e de interpretación antropolóxica, Xaquín Rodríguez Campos, editor. Santiago de Compostela, Spain: Santiago de Compostela University Press, 1997. Pp. 105-22.

  • 'How We Built the Road': The Politics of Memory in Rural Galicia. American Ethnologist 23(4): 836-860, 1996.

  • 'Falamos como Falamos': Linguistic Revitalization and the Maintenance of Local Vernaculars in Galicia. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 5(1): 3-32, 1995.

  • A Documentary Fiction and Ethnographic Production: An Analysis of Sherman's March. Cultural Anthropology 6(4): 505-524, 1991. 

Film and Photography:

  • The Last Generation. (2020). Sharon Roseman, director. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Film Unit, Memorial University.

  • Making the Rounds: Ron Lee’s Lifetime of Service. (2019). Sharon Roseman, director. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Film Unit, Memorial University. 

  • Stories Would Be Told: The Commuting Career of Kay Coxworthy. 2018. Sharon Roseman, director. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Film Unit, Memorial University. 

  • Honk If You Want Me Off the Road. Elizabeth Yeoman and Sharon Roseman, directors. Digital Research Centre for Qualitative Fieldwork, Memorial University. 
  • Cover photograph and inside photographs, O rexurdimento dunha base rural no concello de Zas: O Santiaguiño de Carreira. A Coruña: Baía Edicións, 2008.
  • Cover photograph for book: Intersecting Journeys: The Anthropology of Pilgrimage and Tourism. University of Illinois Press, 2004.

  • Storing Hay, Husband and Wife Reaping Hay, Neighbours, Grandmother and Granddaughter, Malpica in 1989. In Photo Essay that is contained in the special theme issue "Ethnographic Explorations of Gender and Power in Rural Northwestern Iberia," Anthropologica XLI: 169-172, 1999.