GameTheory 1

Introduction to Game Theory (I)

    Game theory conceptualizes interactions as games between two players, Red and Blue, with a range of strategies available to either player. The outcome of any pairwise combination of strategies is shown in a matrix. The simplest is a 2x2 game [left] in which each player has two strategies, 1 & 2. The matrix elements show the payoff to one player [Blue] of each pairwise game. A positive value is a net gain for Blue, a negative value a gain for Red. The games shown here are zero-sum: Blue gains equal Red losses. The payoff matrices can be adjusted so that net gains & losses are equal, or Blue can make a side-payment to Red for each run of the game. [A non-zero-sum game occurs when the payoff matrices for the two players are different: Blue and Red place different values on the outcome of any given interaction].

    Some games have a saddle-point [middle], in which one pair of strategies provides the maximum gain for Blue and the minimum loss for Red. This minimax point can be determined by finding the minimum gain for each row, and comparing this with the maximum loss for each column. If they are identical, the optimal outcome for either player is to play these two "pure" strategies consistently: any deviation guarantees a smaller gain for
Blue or a  greater loss for Red. In game theory, Blue 1 is said to 'dominate' Blue 2 on a cell-by-cell comparison. Similarly, Red 2 dominates Red 1, remembering that Red is going for minimal loss. Then, Red 2 and Blue 1 intersect at minimax = 5.

    Where a saddle-point does not exist [right], a combination of strategies (a "Mixed Strategy") is necessary for both players to obtain an optimum loss / gain for each. These games are more interesting.

Figure & Text material © 2021 by Steven M. Carr