School Committees

The constitution of the School of Social Work is currently under review. Descriptions of School committees will be posted as soon as a revised Constitution is approved.

Academic Council: Academic Council approves for recommendation to the senate all regulations, courses, and programs of study of the School of Social Work and discusses and makes recommendations upon any other matters affecting the school. Membership includes:

  • the director of the school, the associate director of the school, the field administrator, all persons holding full-time appointments as either professors, associate professors, assistant professors, lecturers, or instructors who teach in the school;
  • the president, vice-president academic, the registrar or her/his designate, the librarian or her/his delegate, and a representative from Continuing Studies;
  • a minimum of two graduate and two undergraduate student representatives numbering a maximum of 20% of the membership of category (i);
  • two representatives from the Field Instructors Association; and
  • others whom the Academic Council may decide to admit.