University Policy


Single E-Mail for Students and Employees

Approval Date: 2007-09-06

Effective Date: 2012-10-02

Review Date: 2016-09-06


The Vice-President (Administration and Finance) through the Director of Information Technology Services (ITS)


To provide Memorial’s faculty, staff, students, retirees and alumni with a single e-mail address which is the sole address to be used for official university e-mail communication.


All university faculty, staff, students, retirees and alumni.


Employee — All faculty (including adjunct professors, librarians, etc.) and staff members employed by the University.

Official E-mail Address — The single, unique and verifiable e-mail address provided by Memorial which is to be used by students and employees when they use e-mail to communicate with each other on official University matters.

Student — Individuals who are registered with the University.


1.0  General

Memorial University of Newfoundland ensures that each student and employee is provided with a single e-mail address as required. Official e-mail correspondence from Memorial will be sent only to the Memorial address and not to any other e-mail address.  Memorial is not obliged to accept e-mail from a student or an employee unless it comes from a valid Memorial address.

The Memorial address is an e-mail address for life.  Upon graduation, students are entitled to retain their e-mail address as alumni.  Memorial employees are entitled to retain their e-mail address upon retirement or resignation from the University.

Memorial reserves the right to delete an e-mail address that has been inactive for greater than one year.

2.0  Responsibility

Academic and administrative units are responsible for sending official e-mail communication to employees and students via the Memorial e-mail address. They are encouraged to use e-mail as the means of communication wherever feasible.

Students and employees are responsible for reading official university e-mail from their Memorial address on a regular basis.  Individuals should read their e-mail at least once per week except where their circumstances (leave, travel to remote areas, etc.) prohibit this.  All individuals should be aware that e-mail communications may be time sensitive and that failure to appropriately check e-mail will not exempt them from any responsibilities associated with the e-mail correspondence.  Address holders are required to promptly report any technical difficulties with their e-mail address that prevents them from sending or receiving e-mail.

3.0  Email Forwarding

Students and employees who choose to read their e-mail from addresses other than the Memorial address are not absolved from responsibilities associated with any e-mail communication as a result of lost or misdirected external e-mail. The University will not normally track down any lost or misdirected external e-mail.

4.0  Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act

E-mail created and received by employees of Memorial University are subject to the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  Employees must protect personal information in accordance with the Act.  As well, the University may be required to provide e-mail correspondence in response to an Access to Information request.

Related Documents

Electronic Data Security Policy
Appropriate Use of Computing Resources Policy
Information Management Policy


For inquiries related to this policy:

Information Technology Services (ITS), 709-864-8116


Vice-President (Administration, Finance and Advancement)



Previous Versions:

There is at least one previous version of this policy. Contact the Policy Office to view earlier version(s)

Approval Date: 2007-09-06
Effective Date: 2008-10-20
Approval Date: 2007-09-06
Effective Date: 2007-09-06
Policy Amendment History

There are past amendments for this policy:

Date: 2019-05-30 13:51:13
This policy was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: Connected definitions using the definitions from the glossary.
Date: 2024-09-11 15:45:30
This policy was replaced with a new version. Comment provided: Updated to reflect Vice-President titles as approved by the Board of Regents December 7, 2023