Personal Profile:

Ihmoudah's background in multiphase flow CFD and experiments in pipelines and wellbores. His research focuses on studying flow Assurance for Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids in horizontal, vertical, and inclined pipelines experimentally in flow loop. Ihmoudah's obtained MSc degree in 2008 in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the Libyan Academy. He worked as an assistant teacher faculty Engineering Science and Applied, University of Sabha, Libya.

Office: 1035B
Phone: +17097706536
Email aihmoudah@mun.ca

Research Interests:

• Multiphase pipe flow
• Viscous and non-Newtonian
• CFD on multiphase pipe flows


PhD Candidate, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Memorial University, 2015
MSc, Libyan Academy, 2008