Memorial’s vision recognizes that the university has a special obligation to the people of Newfoundland and Labrador as the only university in the province. That's why we keep information around our challenges, successes and upcoming changes out in the open. It holds us accountable and helps the public grow closer to Memorial as they share in our trials and triumphs. But what exactly does it mean to be open? For Memorial, it's being open to new ways of doing things — even when those new ideas and perspectives challenge us.
In fact, some would say that being open is core to who we are and what we do. It is why academic freedom — the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge unfettered by undue influences — is such a precious tenet in academia. But with that freedom comes the responsibility for our teaching, research and scholarly activities to be evidence-based, rigorous and of the highest quality.
Every day Memorial is striving to be more open by engaging with the community — local, national and international — and seeking opportunities to learn, collaborate and grow.
Students prove that a Memorial education fosters innovation and success and can help change the future
OP-ED | Dr. Ashlee Cunsolo: Memorial’s Labrador Institute continues to be to be at the leading edge of Northern-led research
Get to know Grenfell Campus’s three newest deans as they discuss their plans for the future.
New wharf and breakwater at Marine Institute’s Holyrood Marine Base set the stage for future development