MUN Philosophy Society


Memorial University Philosophy Society


Philosophy students have one of the most active, thriving and interesting societies on campus!

MUN Philosophy Students take a trip to Bell Island

At a mixer

What is the Philosophy Society?

The Philosophy Society is a gathering of students who have an interest in philosophy. You don't necessarily have to be doing a major in philosophy—but it's a great way to find out why so many people are! Students who are into philosophy and have takena few courses are encouraged to join. If you haven't decided your major yet it's a great way to get input from other students about philosophy.

What do we do besides hang out and drink coffee? In the winter semester a student colloquium takes place. This means that members of the society present papers to other students for discussion.This is a great way to get input before passing in a paper and can help some people get over jitters about giving seminars in class. . . above all it can be really fun. Students are encouraged to submit papers to the society run student journal for publication.
About every four weeks there is a mixer where students and profs get together on campus for drinks and conversation. Mixers are always a blast and we usually have a good turnout. Any suggestions about themes for mixers or other ideas are always welcome.

Some of the MUN Philosophy Society Alumni who edited Codgito

How do you get involved? Drop by the Kiefte Reference Room at A-3068 or contact us by e-mail via

For the of all students of philosophy there is The Barend Kiefte Reference Room Arts and Administration building 3068. There you will find many of the texts and commentaries discussed in your philosophy courses; these can be used for reading and written work, but may not be taken out. Although it is a study room, the Kiefte Room is also a good place to meet other students with an interest in philosophy.

The students of philosophy run the lively and active MUN Philosophy Society which organizes socials, talks, student colloquia, etc.

Students are encouraged to submit contributions to the MUN Student Journal of Philosophy (Codgito). The Journal is published anually in coodination with the Department of Philosophy and the MUN Philosophy Society.