More about Lynn Cooze

Lynn is an assistant professor at the School of Nursing. Her background is in pediatric/neonatal nursing; she worked for 14 years in pediatrics and neonatology at the Janeway Child Health Centre and Grace General Hospital in St. John’s.

Lynn has been at MUN since 1999 and completed her Master of nursing degree in 2005. Her practicum was a proposal for a Therapy Dog Program at the Janeway Child Health Centre. This program was accepted and developed and has been running weekly since 2006 in collaboration with the St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog Program. Lynn is also a St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog Program volunteer.

She is presently teaching in clinical and classroom with second and third-year students in pediatrics and women’s health. Her recent research interests have been in Interprofessional Education with the Patient Safety Module and evaluation of the pilot Peer Mentoring Program at MUNSON.