Completed Research 2011

Dr. Chris Earle: Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Psychiatric Disorders: A Single Arm Pilot Study.

Dr. Sara Dalley: Increasing Awareness of the Connection Between Breastfeeding and Mental Health Through an Educational Session for Healthcare Providers.

Dr. Jordan Brennan: Mental Health Nursing Follow Up and Attempted Suicide Risk Reduction.

Dr. Graeme Campbell: A Polarizing Topic: Assessing the Knowledge of and Attitudes Towards Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in NL.

Dr. Stuart Gill: Patterns in Psychiatric Emergency Department Utilization.

Dr. Kevin Fowler: Perceived Satisfaction With Physical Activity in Resident Physicians at Memorial University.

Dr. Gabrielle Lapointe: The Evaluation of the Level of Comfort of the Individuals of the Interdisciplinary Team in Advocating for the Acquirement of a Clinic for the Use of Ketamine in Adults With Major Depressive Disorder After a Teaching Session About the Current CANMAT Task Force Guidelines on a Virtual Platform.

Dr. Angelique Myles: Training in Telepsychiatry: Results From a National Study.