Unit X - Skills in Obstetrics and Gynecology

A. Gynecology 

The student will be able to:

1. Obtain a gynecological history and perform a gynecological examination including the use of a vaginal speculum.

2. Obtain appropriate cultures from the cervix and vagina and prepare and interpret a wet smear specimen.

3. Prepare a cytological specimen from the cervix or vagina.

4. Provide advice and instruction concerning suitable methods of contraception.

B. Obstetrics

The student will be able to:

1. Take an obstetric history and perform an obstetrical examination at all stages of pregnancy.

2. Apply risk assessment protocols.

3. Diagnose the onset of labor, assess progress in labor, and recognize significant deviations from normal.

4. Perform fetal heart rate monitoring and recognize signs of fetal distress.

5. Perform a normal spontaneous vaginal delivery under supervision.

6. Perform an episiotomy and repair tear or episiotomy under supervision.

7. Carry out the initial assessment and management of the healthy newborn.

C. Communication

The student will be able to:

1. Describe in a language that will be understood by the patient, the indications, contra- indications, risks, and nature of the following procedures;

I Obstetrical

- ultrasonography
- maternal serum screen
- amniocentesis
- chorionic villus sampling
- analgesia for labor
- induction of labor
- spontaneous vaginal delivery
- vacuum assisted and forceps delivery
- episiotomy
- cesarean section
- neonatal circumcision

II Gynecologic

- dilatation and curettage
- colposcopy and cervical biopsy
- endometrial biopsy
- cone biopsy
- culdocentesis
- hysterosalpingogram
- hysterectomy
- pregnancy termination
- vulvar biopsy
- cryotherapy
- cervical laser vaporization