Ergonomic Assessments

Due to COVID-19 protocols, most assessments are being completed remotely. Assessments can be done for your on-campus office or your home office. 

Ergonomic assessments identify and address any concerns with an individual’s workstation or work tasks that place them at an increased risk for musculoskeletal injury. Adjustments are then be made to the workstation or task to reduce overreaching, repetition and awkward postures, as well as other risk factors for developing musculoskeletal injury.

An ergonomic assessment includes:

  • Questions about your daily work tasks
  • Questions about any previous injury or conditions that may affect your comfort at your workstation
  • Questions about individual characteristics such as hand dominance, height, etc. that are relevant to your workstation set up
  • Observation of your current workstation and how you perform your work tasks
  • Measurements of you and your workstation

Employees may request a workstation assessment by downloading and completing all sections of the Request for Ergonomics Assessment form located under the Employee Services tab in the portal.