Dr. Andrew Kerr - Teaching

Courses Taught in Previous Years

Earth Science 1000 (Earth Systems – Introductory Geology)
Earth Science 2030 (Mineralogy and Crystallography)
Earth Science 2031 (Optical Mineralogy and Introductory Petrology)
Science 100 (Introductory Science for Education Students)

Other Teaching Work

In addition to the formal teaching of courses, I have contributed selected lectures on research topics in senior undergraduate and graduate courses, mostly in igneous petrology, geochemistry and economic geology

Thesis Topics and Supervision

I have supervised B.Sc. thesis projects over many years, independently and in conjunction with other Faculty. I would like to continue this activity, and have several projects that might be of interest. I also maintain links with the Geological Survey and may be able to connect students with projects linked to Government Geoscience.