Drift & Fixation of a rare strongly advantageous
        allelens 08-05

Drift &Fixation of rare alleles with strong selective advantage in finite populations
(N = 100, f(B0) = 0.005, W0 = W1 = 0.9, W2 = 1.0)

    From a singleinitial allele (f(B) = 1/200 = 0.005 in N = 100 @) [left graph], almost all populations go to f(B) = 0 within 20 generations, despite the selective advantage of the BB genotype. Five populations reach f(B) = 1 within 150 generations. Where the same conditions apply to the A allele [right-hand graph], Compare the trajectories and range of these stochastic results with the deterministic expectation  [black curve].

Text material © 2021 by Steven M. Carr