        drift in multiple populations

Genetic Drift of rare neutral alleles in multiple populations
= 50, q0 = 0.05; W0 = W1 = W2 = 1)

    In each of 100 populations, N = 50 so there are 2N = 100 alleles, with initial f(B) = q0 = 0.05.  A majority of population replicates go to loss (q = 0) before 50 generations: five go to fixation (q = 1) within 300 generations. This is consistent with the expectation that, in the absence of selection, for any population with  f(B) = q0 , the expectation of fixation per population by genetic drift is also q. Note that in the last population that goes to fixation, q varies widely over time above and below 0.5.

Figure & Text material © 2021 by Steven M. Carr