Viability Selection in detail

    Suppose 100,000 newborn mice are  produced by a population in which the frequency of allele A = 0.3. The newborns are distributed according to Hardy-Weinberg expectations, such that there are 9,000 AA, 42,000 AB, and 49,000 BB mice. Suppose the fitness of the three types, measured as viability (the probability of survival to reproductive age), of each of the three phenotypes corresponding to genotypes AA, AB, and BB is 0.5, 0.4, and 0.3, respectively. This is an additive model, in which each B allele decreases viability by 0.1. Therefore, the expected numbers of survivors to reproductive age are:

AA: 0.5 x 9,000 newborns = 4,500 AA adults
AB: 0.4 x 42,000 newborns = 16,800 AB  adults
BB: 0.3 x 49,000 newborns = 14,700 BB adults
The total number of surviving adults is (4,500 + 16,800 + 14700) = 36,000.

Following established principles, f(A) = [(2)(4,500) + 16,800] / (2)(36,000) = 0.3583, and f(B) = [(2)(14,700) + 16,800] / (2)(36,000) = 0.6417 = 1 - f(A). Viability selection has therefore decreased the relative frequency f(B)' by 0.7000 - 0.6417 = 0.0583, about 6%.

In this case, evolution defined as changes in allele frequencies, occurs in a population that declines in numbers between the parents and offspring. Allele frequency change is determined from relative rather than absolute viability. With more intense selection, if relative viabilities were 0.05, 0.04, and 0.03, the total number of mice surviving to adulthood would be only 3,600, but the calculated allele frequency change would be the same as before [HOMEWORK: Prove this].

    Alternatively, viability selection may  occur while the population size remains constant, if the expected number of newborn mice of each genotype surviving to adulthood is proportional to the carrying capacity of the environment, in this case 100,000. Expected numbers can be predicted by weighting by the ratio of newborns to that of the adults, in this case 100,000/36,000 = 2.778. Then

AA: 0.5 x 9,000 newborns x 2.778  = 12,500 AA adults
AB: 0.4 x 42,000 newborns  x 2.778 = 46,670 AB adults
BB: 0.3 x 49,000 newborns x 2.778 = 40,830 BB adults
The expected total number of newborns that survive to adulthood is now 100,000.

    Calculated allele frequency change would be the same as in the original model [HOMEWORK: Prove this]. This is essentially K-selection that acts so as to maintain N near a constant carrying capacity K. Computer models (such as NatSel) simulate this by generating genotypes at random, applying the viability of each type, and continuing to add to the population in this way, until the total number of individuals again reaches the carrying capacity of 100,000.

    Finally, note that weighting by a larger factor of (say 3.0) would result in an increase in the population size, but once again calculated allele frequency changes would be the same. Although population size increases, this would not be due to an increase in the frequency of the allele that offers the greater fitness advantage. This again shows that relative Darwinian fitness and absolute survival are unrelated.

Example modified after Box 07-2 by Nielsen & Slatkin © 2013 by Sinauer; Text material © 2022 by Steven M. Carr