
Edward Syndrome

    Trisomy-18 (2n=46,18+) (Edward Syndrome) is the second most common trisomy after Down Syndrome, and occurs in 1 / 4 ~ 8000 live births. It is three times more prevalent in newborn girls than in boys. Trisomy 18 is characterized by microcephaly, a high forehead, profound psycho-motor retardation, and serious heart malformations including ventral and atrial septal defects, and patent ductus arteriosus, a persistent opening between the heart chambers that prevents efficient blood flow.  Life expectancy is typically very short: 90% of children die in the first year. In contrast, Joseph, pictured here, lived to two months short of 22 years.

    His parents write: "It is important for readers to understand that some, albeit very few, children with trisomy 18 survive into adulthood. The live birth prevalence towards girls becomes more pronounced with age as girls dramatically out-survive boys in later months / years."

See [http://www.trisomy.org/trisomy18.php]

For Joseph (19 Nov 1982 - 25 Sept 2004); All text material ©2009 by Steven M. Carr