Branch & Bound

Branch & Bound Method of Network Search

    For three terminal taxa, A, B, & C, only one network is possible (A1). A fourth taxon D can be added as a new branch on any of the three existing branches, to create three networks B1, B2, & B3, with four branches and one internode each.  Inspection of B1 establishes an upper bound for the four-taxon network: calculation for the other two shows that B2 has the same length, but B3 exceeds this bound: therefore this network and all derivative networks can be excluded from further examination.  A fifth taxon E can now be added on any of the four branches or the internode of remaining two networks B1 and B2, creating ten networks for evaluation.  Inspection of network C1.1 establishes a new upper bound: calculation shows that two of the five C1 and three of the C2 trees exceed this limit, which are then eliminated from further consideration. This "Branch & Bound" search algorithm continues with the addition of a sixth taxon F to any of the five branches and two internodes in the five remaining networks, establishment of a new upper bound, and so on. 

    Notice that the first step eliminated one-third of the possible networks, and the second step one-half of the remaining possibilities, so that by the third step it is only necessary to evaluate one-sixth of the original possible "network space." Under favorable circumstances, only one network remains at each step, and the single shortest tree is quickly identified. Branch & Bound is a computationally efficient algorithm that is guaranteed to find the shortest network(s) for analyses of up to ~20 taxa, for which there are 8.2 x 1027 possible rooted networks (trees). Beyond this, because the number of possible networks continues to increase hyper-exponentially, the algorithm requires too much computer time to be practical.

    [For the advanced student: Note that at each successive step where a minimum-length network is identified, as a practical matter the topology & branch lengths need to be stored if the solution is to be displayed. Thus the machine storage space allocated to this also increases hyper-exponentially, which may be more limiting than time per se. As a simple computational problem, an alternative solution is to keep track of only the length of the shortest tree at any step, and to report this number at the end of the search. This requires the same machine time but far less machine storage than the first approach. It may then be possible to generate networks at random, automatically rejecting any that exceed the already-determined minimum length. Other strategies are possible.

    A practical demonstration of different strategies in biological computation is given by Carr, Marshall, Wareham, & Craig (2015) as applied to algorithmic, computational, & approximation approaches to identification of Open Reading Frames in DNA.

Figure modified from Krane & Raymer 2004; All text material © 2021 by Steven M. Carr