Estimates of
        Selection Coefficients

Estimation of selection coefficients for the sickle-cell allele S

    The standard allele at the Beta-Globin locus is designated A, and most individuals are homozygous for this allele (AA). An alternative allele, S, when homozygous (SS) results in sickle-cell anemia, a severe form of anemia that typically results in death at an early age. Individuals that are heterozygous (AS) are said to have sickle-cell trait, a much milder form of anemia that is seldom life-threatening. [Be sure to distinguish "trait" from "anemia"]. In the early 1950s, it was proposed that AS individuals in West Africa were at a selective advantage to AA individuals, because the AS phenotype protected individuals from malaria. [Both A and S actually represent multiple alleles with the same or similar effect. Recall that S alleles arise from a 2nd-position SNP in the sixth triplet, so as to substitute Val -> Glu in the protein].

    In a study designed to test this hypothesis, a group of 30,923 West African adults were typed, with results as shown (Line 1). From these data, the observed frequencies of each genotype are easily determined (Line 2, left), and from these data the observed frequencies f(A) and f(S) are determined by the usual calculation (Line 2, right).

    Given p = f(A) and q = f(S), the expected genotype frequencies f(AA), f(AS), and f(SS) are p2, 2pq, and q2 , respectively (Line 3), and the expected numbers of individuals is that proportion out of 30,923 (Line 4).

    A Chi-Square analysis (Line 5) of the observed (Line 1) versus the expected (Line 4) numbers of adults with each genotype indicates a highly significant (p <<< 0.0001) deviation from expectation. As predicted by the hypothesis, the deviation is due to (1) a higher than expected proportion of AS individuals, consistent with a selective advantage relative to AA individuals, and (2) a much lower than expected number of SS individuals, consistent with the known selective disadvantage of sickle-cell anemia.

    To estimate the selection coefficients against the AA (sAA) and SS (
sSS) genotypes in a malarial environment, we would ideally need the genotype counts in a group of Newborns and in those group members who survive to adulthood. In this study, we lack the former: however, estimation requires only knowledge of relative viabilities of AA and SS with respect to AS as the optimal genotype (W = 1.0). We may assume that allele frequencies are presently at equilibrium (q = 0.0), that is, f(A) = 0.9092 and f(S) = 0.0908 (Line 2), such that the expected frequencies in Newborns are given by Line 3. Suppose that the 30,923 adults examined in Line 1 are the survivors of a group of arbitrary size* (here, 40,000) with genotype counts as expected for a population of that size (Line 6). Then, the Viability (V) of each genotype is simply the observed adult count divided by the estimated newborn count (Line 1 / Line 6 = Line 7). Divide all viabilities by the optimum viability (VAS) to obtain their normalized Fitness with respect to WAS = 1.0 (Line 8). Express the Fitness values WAA and WSS as selection coefficients sAA = 1 - WAA and sSS = 1 - WSS respectively. [Note the alternative calculations below the lower Box 2 that combines these into a single operation].

HOMEWORK 1: The S allele occurs at lower frequencies in some Middle Eastern countries. A recent survey of 56,000 hospitalized patients in one such country identified 1,120 with sickle-cell disease (SS) and 13,440 with sickle-cell trait (AS). Based on the example here, calculate observed and expected allele and genotype frequencies, perform the Chi-Square analysis, and estimate the selection coefficients against AA and SS.

HOMEWORK 2: (1) We estimated selection coefficients based on estimated numerical proportions of newborns, based on equilibrium allele frequencies calculated from adults. Is this valid, or not? Explain. (2) The arbitrary assumption of a newborn group of size N (Line 6) may strike you as odd: why does the exact size not make a difference? [Hint: both questions can be answered numerically].

HOMEWORK 3: The example is based on calculations in Box 7.7 in Nielsen & Slatkin (2013), who obtain different numbers in Lines 4 ~ 7. Can you account for the differences? [Hint: is there a possible rounding error from using 3- vs 4-place numbers?]

Example modified from © 2013 Sinauer; © 2021 by Steven M. Carr