DNA sequencing autoradiogram from SM Carr lab, ca. 1993

    Six different DNA samples are examined with four dideoxy (ddN) sequencing reactions each, using respectively ddA, ddG, ddC, & ddT. The dideoxy bases are each tagged with 32P, the reactions separated in an acrylamide gel at high voltage, the gel dried onto filter paper, and overlain with X-ray film for several hours. The lanes for each individual are read from left to right as GATC, from bottom to top. Note that bands at the bottom of the gel are initially widely spaced, and become more compressed towards the top. The shortest DNA fragments are found at the bottom: because the difference between fragments of length 50 b vs 51 b is 2%, the mobility difference is easily detected. Towards the top, the difference between 400b vs 401b is 0.25%, and the mobility difference is correspondingly smaller. In practice, two electrophoresis runs are made, one for 1.5 hrs and a second for 4 hrs: the first separates short fragments, the latter runs these fragments off the gel but allows separation of the larger fragments.

    Other artifacts observable in the gel include (1) weak reactions [first sample, lane 1], (2) small imperfections in the gel (e.g., bubbles) that distort even migration [third sample, lane 1], and (3) the "smiley face", in which reactions near the edges of the gel tend to run faster and curve upward [first sample].

Homework: Starting at the the dark double bars about a third of the way up the gel, read the sequence of each of the six DNAs. Do any of the individuals have different DNA sequences from each other?

Autorad & text material © 2024 by Steven M. Carr