Vavilov Centers of Origin

Vavilov's Centers of Origin of Domesticated Plant & Crop Species

Modern agriculture developed at the end of the Neolithic Period >10,000 years BP, from a number of civilizations corresponding approximately to Nikolai Vavilov's eight numbered "Centers of Origin." These include the oldest centers in (4) the Fertile Crescent (11,000 BP) and (8) the Yangtze and Yellow River basins (9,000 BP) together with the New Guinea Highlands (9,000–6,000 BP). The more recent centers follow expansions into the New World in (1) Central Mexico (5,000–4,000 BP) & eastern North America (4,000–3,000 BP) and (2) Northern South America (5,000–4,000 BP). The exact location of expansion into (5) sub-Saharan Africa (5,000–4,000 BP) is unknown.

Map & text modified from Wikipedia ©2021 by Steven M. Carr