        evolution projected

Stabilizing Selection limits Human Skull evolution on Human Birth Weight

    In this episode of the original TV Sci-Fi series "The Outer Limits", a scientist develops a means of accelerating human evolution experimentally. A young Welsh miner agrees to the experiments. The photos show successive stages of the treatment, from a very high forehead, to a greatly enlarged cranium with obligate "pointy ears", to a massive skull with exaggerated bony ridges reinforcing the sutures, complete with psychokinetic powers, and pre-Spockian ears. Intellectual development is accompanied by a loss of ordinary human feeling, as the New Man is contemptuous of "primitive" humans.

    Exaggerated developmental of the skull in imaginative literature is often accompanied by weakening of the post-cranial skeleton, including narrowing of the hips and atrophy of the arms and legs. However, any 21st-century mother can speak to the compatibility of a greatly expanded baby skull with a narrowed pelvis. 

Photos from 1966 "Outer Limits" episode, starring David McCallum; Text material © 2021 by Steven M. Carr