Experimental estimation of the inbreeding coefficient for a population

In a population inbred to the extent F, the expected frequency of heterozygotes in terms of the observed allele frequencies p & q is:

f(AB) = 2pq(1-F)

Rearranging to extract F:

       (2pq)(1-F) = Hobs

2pq - (2pq)(F) = Hobs

        - (2pq)(F) = Hobs - 2pq

                     F  = (Hobs - 2pq)/(- 2pq)

                    F  =  (2pq - Hobs) / (2pq)

and since 2pq = Hexp

F = (Hexp - Hobs) / Hexp

Text material © 2007 by Steven M. Carr