Mike Test, Eniwetok AtollCastle
          Bravo test

Thermonuclear Explosions
"Mike" test (10.4 Mt), Eniwetok Atoll, 31 Oct 1952; "Castle Bravo" test (15 Mt), BIkini Atoll, 01 March 1954

    Thermonuclear weapons ("H-bombs") use a fission reaction (an "A-bomb") to trigger a fusion reaction of heavy hydrogen (Deuterium (2H) or Tritium (3H)). The result is a quantitatively greater yield of radiation and energy, measured in millions of tons (megatons or Mt) of TNT. The 1954 Castle Bravo test "ran away" to 15 Mt, the largest US explosion ever. The largest thermonuclear device ever exploded was the 55 Mt Soviet "Tsar Bomba" test in 1961.

All text material © 2015 by Steven M. Carr