Mendel's garden
(Augustinian Monastery of St. Thomas, Brno, Czech Republic)

    Mendel conducted his experiments both in a greenhouse and in outdoor garden plots. A statue of Mendel appears in the background. The garden plot shown here is laid out as a series of crosses between flowers, starting from the upper right. The parental plants (P) have red and white flowers (top row). From these pure-breeding red- and white-flowered plants, the F1 is uniformly red (single patch, second row). The third row shows the result of an F2 cross of the F1 back to the white P plants: note the 3:1 ratio of red to white flowers. The remaining 4 x 4 layout show the result of a dihybrid cross.

    Close inspection shows that the white flowers in the P generation are tall, in contrast to the short red flowers. These two phenotypes can be followed through the crosses in combination with the color variants.

Homework: Evaluate the results of the dihybrid cross. Is there anything unusual about the results?

Figure ©2002 by Griffiths et al.; all text material ©2022 by Steven M. Carr