mono & dinucleotides

Inference of the Universal Genetic Code from poly-monomers & poly-dimers

Results from the poly U, C, A, & G RNA messages allows the inference that UUU, CCC, AAA, & GGG coded for F, P K, & G respectively.

Preparation and polymerization of dinucleotides yields a polynucleotide with two alternating triplets irrespective of the starting point. Thus UC-UC-UC for example produces repeating UCU-CUCtriplets, and a polypeptide with alternative S & L residues. Note that of the twelve possible dinucleotides, the alternative pair with the letters reversed produces the same pair of alternating peptide.

Use of all possible dinucleotides gives codons for 12 amino acids, including redundant codons CGC and AGA for R; note the degeneracy at the 2nd bases is unusual. In combination with the mono-nucleotide codons, this solves exactly one codon in each of the boxes defined by the first two bases in the codon. These experiments would not identify any of the three stop codons (no experiments should 'fail' because they incorporate nothing), and the 15 amino acids assigned codons do not include W Q M N or D or the unusual codons for L' and S'.

All figure & text material ©2015 by Steven M. Carr