Colour-deficiency test

Write down the number you see in each of the circles above. Click here for the answers.

    Colour deficiency (sometimes called "colour blindness") is a sex-linked condition characterized by inability to distinguish shades of red (~75% of cases) or green (<25% of cases). This is in turn due to either a shift in the range of wavelengths of light perceived as red or green (anomalous trichromaticity), or an absence of red or green opsin pigments in the cone cells in the eye (dichromaticity). A small number of cases involve autosomally-linked blue deficiency, or monochromacity, which is inability to see colour at all. (For details, see OMIM303800).

From the Agape Optomtery Center website:

Figures © Agape Optometry Center ; all text material ©2006 by Steven M. Carr